Thursday, April 9, 2009

Patience ---- the First step....

' How much patience God has with us!! Should we become annoyed because it seems to us that someone is not correcting himself immediately? We are so demanding with others because we do not know ourselves down to the very depths.' ---- James Alberione

I came across these words and realized it to be so true. Just imagine how many times we as individuals have done wrong things, that could be so annoying to God but still he shows PATIENCE.
Similarly, when we deal with our kids patience is the first and foremost thing needed . It is very important to be humble , meek and kind to them. Children are in the crucial learning phase of their lives . Just imagine how can a little child learn to walk if he is being scolded on taking the first steps while he is just learning. As I said in the earlier post that children learn by immitating their adults so it is our prime responsibility to inculcate patience in them.
Homes are often destroyed by the swirling tornadoes of heated domestic anger. Many families are shattered by lack of patience of
husband with wife
wife with husband
parents with children
children with parents

A child was hearing about war and asked his father how it started. The father patiently sat down and started to explain:
"Suppose America quarelled with England......."
The mother jumped up & interrupted:
"But England & America are not quarelling."
Father: I know , but this is just an example.
Mother: You are misleading the child.
Father: No, I am not.
Mother: Yes, You are.
Father: I tell you, I'm not . It's an.....
Child: Never mind , Dad. I think I understand now.

Do not allow the high tension & pressure of office work or family duties make you forget the prime duty towards kids.
All children are inquisitive. They have bundle of questions which we can't find answers for. I have often heard people saying to kids , "Oh my God!! You are a question mark kid". Parents need amounts of patience in dealing with children. Whenever you get upset with a kid, just remember these years of his life are his real foundation and it is you who have to set it right. It is not always easy to show patience towards your kids when they tend to disturb us and interfere with our accomplishments. It requires Maturity and love.

Both in home as well as outside , if you love others you will need less patience.
Remember , a family where father and mother never agree is built on shifting sands.
After Mary and Joe ( married couple) had their first quarrel, his father-in-law said boastfully, "Everytime my wife and I had an argument, I have the last word."
Not knowing was he serious or not , Joe asked " but how?"
"It's Simple, " he smiled , "I apologise !!!"
All that is needed is understanding, then patience will come by itself.


Aditi said...

oh i need to learn this!! my worst characteristic!! i luved the little stories you put in.. interesting!!

Pallavi Jain said...

Thanks Dear .. I would really encourage u to practice this as it really help us in difficult times . All the best!!