Friday, July 10, 2009


Today as the value system, habits and behavior of kids is changing, we have to find out what is the reason for this and how it can be corrected.
Feeling of love, respect for others dignity, freedom to express and follow your dreams, patience, warmth, using the power of now ,connection with the soul etc is just some alien thoughts for them and will be more so in the generations to come . It is the education of the child which sets the foundation for all this , so if these qualities are absent or say vanishing than the biggest role played is by the education of the individual right from when he was a small kid. Setting up a wrong foundation gives destructive results which the world is facing in the present and will face in the future as well.

Now when we know the problem and the cause for it than the next thing to be done is to find a solution for the same. The solution is simple but as it happens always , simple things are never seen and often neglected . It is clear that to set up right values, ethics, habits and intelligence in the kids it is very essential that the education has to be appropriate and correct in every aspect . The right kind of education begins with the educator , who must understand himself , for what he is , that he imparts. If he has not been rightly educated, what can he teach except the same mechanical knowledge on which he himself has been brought up? The problem, thus is not the child but the parent and the teacher. So the prime need of the hour is to EDUCATE THE EDUCATORS of the world. The educators have to realize that the future depends on them and their power , understanding to teach the right things in the right manner at the best time in a child’s growth cycle is really important . It is very essential to teach them the right ways they have to follow to impart good valuable education to the kids.

When the educators were kids wrong education system and procedures have made them faulty themselves, so first they have to be educated to bring them in a different mould and simultaneously break that mould in which they were casted when they were small kids. This is relevantly difficult to do than to make a right mould for a child right from the very beginning. Because most of us are already crystallized within a system of thought or a pattern of action, we have already given ourselves to some ideology, to a religion or to a particular standard of conduct. That is why we teach the child what to think and not how to think. We are not deeply aware of ourselves, our thoughts and feelings are stereotyped, automatic. We learn a few subjects, gather some information and then try to pass it on to the children. If we educate the educators in the right way then it is inevitable that the education and foundation of the kids whome they will teach will automatically be corrected.

If the educator is to help the student to examine and understand the values and influences that surround him and of which he is a part, must not he be aware of them himself?
If one is blind , can one help others to cross to the other shore???

The child is influenced by the people and the things about him, and the right kind of educator should help him to uncover these influences and their true worth. Merely to follow a system whether political or educational will not solve any purpose for the educators, they have to be awakened that they need to break those boundaries created around them and feel the importance of their roles as educators in this world. So the prime need of the hour is to EDUCATE THE EDUACTOR!!!

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